2 Beauty Sense
Your Unique Hair Goals
Part of Associated Hair Professional's hope in creating AHP Beauty Sense magazine is to
share with clients how vastly educated, well-rounded, multitalented, and bighearted hair
professionals really are. Completely by happenstance, the diversity in this issue's topics is
synonymous with the breadth of our industry. Have you ever stopped to think about how
hair professionals must be knowledgeable not just about cutting hair, but about growing it
too? Hairstylists are charged with achieving each client's unique hair goals on each client's
unique hair fabric. They are capable of appreciating and enhancing unicorn, mermaid,
and all variations of personal style. Beyond all the knowledge, talent, and versatility, you
can take a peek inside the heart of hair professionals and this incredible industry by
reading "Hairstylists and Human Traffi cking?" on page 10. We hope you enjoy this issue.
Ali J. Davidson
Director of Membership, Associated Hair Professionals
This publication is intended
for the exclusive use of AHP
members. To be entitled to
AHP benefits, you must be a
member in good standing. No
part of this publication may be
reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic
or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording, or
by any information storage
and retrieval system without
written permission from AHP.
© Copyright 2018.
All rights reserved.
W E L C O M E , C L I E N T S !
Ali Davidson
Darren Buford
Karrie Osborn
Brandon Twyford
Mary Abel
Amy Klein
James Sutherlin
Associated Hair Professionals
Are you a licensed hairstylist or barber with something to tell clients about our industry?
We would love to publish your expertise!
Beauty Sense